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Study Program Name:Dakwah Management (S-1)
Science group:Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Concentration / Specialisation:◊ Middle East History and Culture,Tourism Arabic,Management of Hajj and Umrah,Marketing Strategy for Hajj, Umrah and religious tourism,Integrated Hajj Information System,Theory and Practice of Hajj-Umrah Travel,Sharia Hotel Management,Religious Tourism Management,English for Tourism,Guiding and Tourist Guide,sustainable tourism,Excellent Business Service
Graduate Title / Mention:Sarjana Sosial
Title abbreviations according EYD:S.Sos.
Title abbreviations are popular (used public):S.Sos.
PTS organizers (please click):Yogyakarta Integrated Islamic High School
STAI Miftahul Ulum Mukomuko Bengkulu
IAI Al-Azhaar - Al-Azhaar Institute of Islamic Religion Lubuklinggau
Study Period & Study Load (Credits) :
SMA/SMU, SMK graduates, equivalent proceed to
S1 Manajemen Dakwah
Study Load = 144 - 152 sksStudy Period =
8 semester
D3, Polytechnic graduates, equivalent proceed to
S1 Manajemen Dakwah
Study Load = 40 - 46 sks
(If not a piece of science additional are given 2 - 21 sks)
Study Period =
3 semester
D2, S1, D1 graduates, transfer proceed to
S1 Manajemen Dakwah
Study Load = Calculated from remaining creditsStudy Period =
Calculated remaining credits

Curriculum / Subjects Courses:See below
Prospectus (Objectives, Competencies, Job Prospects / Career Graduates):See below

Title/mention above is a title often used (not necessarily used PTS).

Regarding title (for S1, S2, S3) or mention (for diploma) which is used by universities in Indonesia currently has no standard (not standard) again, although the government has made the rules, but most colleges only obey some of the rules the. It can not be blamed, because the development of the science group is very rapid and led to new branches of science which is an integration of several scientific groups, making it difficult for universities to classify these branches of the science group that created the government.

Similarly, by making short title / mention such, people tend to create their own abbreviations that are even more popular than EYD Indonesian rule.

Below given curriculum / course and prospectus (competency, job prospects / career graduates, etc.). For subjects study program of presented here is a slice (and some combination) of a college curriculum, so it is possible some no elective courses at the college, or the slightly different name of his courses.

Prospectus S1 Da'wah Management
Da'wah management develops in line with the era of globalization, information and communication technology which provides an understanding of important approaches or procedures in researching, analyzing and solving managerial problems.Preparing da'wah staff who have managerial skills in managing education in schools, madrasas and Islamic boarding schools,Educate and train prospective graduates to have broad insight so that they are able to respond to changes in education locally, regionally and globally,Prepare graduates who can manage education democratically.

The Purpose of Da'wah Management
  • Students are able to have noble character and implement Islamic teachings in daily life
  • Students are able to implement social values ​​and Da'wah management
  • Students are able to implement science and technology in the field of Da'wah Management research both regionally and internationally
  • Students are able to implement science and technology in the field of community service
  • Students are able to develop innovative and creative da'wah management

Management is a process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling, the efforts of organizational members and the use of resources to achieve organizational goals.

The Da'wah Management study program prepares its graduates to enter business and non-business-based jobs, nationally and internationally, as professionals in finance, marketing (marketing), HR (human resources), operations and as entrepreneurs.
The Department of Da'wah Management organizes undergraduate programs in the field of entrepreneurship and sharia business management through academic and applicable stages of education. The resulting competency is the ability to read opportunities and control business personally and professionally in groups
Graduate Competencies S1 Islamic Education Management
Graduates of the Islamic Education Management Study Program are equipped with the knowledge, ethics, abilities and skills to comprehensively manage various types of organizations in the fields of finance, marketing, human resources, and operations, as well as make strategic decisions.

In addition, he is also equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technology in managing the company, developing management information systems, making business plans, conducting presentations and business negotiations well; economic, quantitative and management analytical skills; compiling and analyzing the financial performance of public and non-public companies; perform financial market analysis (forex market, money market and capital market); prepare a business feasibility study plan; conduct marketing planning and research; International Trade analysis, etc.

The basic competence of the Bachelor of Da'wah Management is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adapt to changes; realize that science is always advancing and developing; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and be able to continually learn; in dealing with each problem, able to reveal the structure and core of the problem and set priorities stages of completion; know and be able to take advantage of the use of information technology; can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of management; can solve problems logically, utilizing available data/information; can use concepts to explain things that are not/less clear; able to be independent in work and effort; able to actively participate in working groups; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and take advantage of their assistance; able to make effective use of existing resources; able to start pioneering the formation of entrepreneurial units in the field of management, able to follow new developments in the field of management, carry out research, or participate in study programs at a further level.

Graduates of the Da'wah Management Study Program have the ability to lead business organizations with strong integrity, namely the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing, the ability to work together in teams, the ability to understand knowledge of ethics, the ability to understand knowledge in the field of management, the ability to lead others.
Profession and Career Graduates S1 Da'wah Management
Bachelor of Da'wah Management can work and have a career as:

Entrepreneur, academics or a career in government and private institutions as professional managers and experts in the fields of marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations in manufacturing companies, service companies, hospitals, hotels, banking, education, technology information, communication, and so on.

Civil Servants, MI/SD, MTS/SLTP and MA/SMU teachers, School Administration, Social thinkers and observers, Religious Extension/Counselors

With the Religious Tourism Management course, students also have great opportunities to become tour guides in both religious and public tourist attractions.

S1 Da'wah Management Course
* = Concentration / Specificity / Elective Courses

Course SKS
Citizenship Education2
History of Islamic Civilization2
Islam and Javanese Culture2
Science of Kalam2
Akhlak and Sufism2
Methodology of Islamic Studies2
Philosophy of Science2
Islamic Entrepreneurship2
Ulumul Hadith2
Ulumul Quran2
Usul Fiqh2
Scientific Writing and Publication Techniques2
Social Statistics2
Research Proposal2
Cross-Cultural Communication2
Public Relations2
Philosophy of Da'wah2
Dakwah Methodology2
History of Da'wah2
Dawah Science2
Dawah Management Information System2
Course SKS
Introduction to Management2
HR Management3
Financial Management3
Operations Management3
Marketing Management3
Basics of Accounting3
Travel Management3
Strategic Management3
Risk Management3
Islamic Business Ethics3
Management of Da'wah Organizations3
Community Empowerment2
Dakwah Management Research Methodology3
Islamic Hospitality2
Study of Da'wah Policy2
Personality Science3
Introduction to Tourism2
Fiqh Hajj, Umrah and Pilgrimage2
History and Culture of the Middle East2
Tourism Arabic3
Hajj and Umrah management3
Marketing Strategy for Hajj, Umrah and religious tourism3
Integrated Hajj Information System2
Theory and Practice of Hajj-Umrah Travel3
Sharia Hotel Management3
Religious Tourism Management3
English for Tourism3
Guiding and Tourist Guide2
Sustainable Tourism2
Excellent Bussines Service3

Tags / tagged: concentration, s1, manajemen, dakwah, major, regular, tuition, program, online, lectures, fakultas, jurusan, concentration s1 manajemen, tuition program, smu smk graduates, equivalent proceed, to, s1 manajemen dakwah, and solving, managerial, problems preparing da, wah staff, who, fields of finance, marketing human, resources, and operations, out, research or, participate, in study programs, at a, science, 2 english 3, arabic 3, dawah, management
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